Overall evaluation of a digital learning aid
The final, complex evaluation of the assessed educational software (electronic learning aid) includes the number of assigned points in individual evaluation areas (rough score) and the percentage representing the ratio to the maximum possible number of the assigned points. These indicators are supplemented with the verbal evaluation divided into three categories. Verbal evaluation degrees take into account the fact that we work with a strict model of evaluating the quality of educational digital product that compares the existing software products with the ideal model. Therefore, exceeding 50% of the point score limit in 3 evaluation areas can be regarded as a very good result and the evaluated digital learning aid as a very good tool. An excellent digital learning aid is characterised by at least 80% of the assigned points in 3 out of 4 evaluated areas and good aid in case of more than 30%. A software product that failed to obtain at least 30% of the total number of points in majority of the evaluation areas, as for the quality evaluation, cannot be regarded as educational, even though its individual use does not exclude interesting educational results.